Online tutorial and test

The Online Tutorial and Test is an available action included in the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) Airspace Infringements: review and actions process (CAP1404).


The tutorial includes the knowledge expected of a competent pilot and helps refresh core knowledge and understanding of airmanship. It is openly available to all pilots on the Airspace & Safety Initiative website.


Pilots that need to take the test are sent log-in details by the CAA.

The test is made up of 20 randomly selected multiple-choice questions that need to be answered in 20 minutes. The pass mark is 85% (17 correct answers out of 20). The questions are drawn from information included in the online tutorial, the wider Airspace and Safety Initiative website, and basic airspace and core aviation law knowledge needed to obtain a flight crew licence.

2023 summary

61 pilots had to complete the Online Tutorial and Test after being involved in an airspace infringement. Each pilot was given a period of 28 days within which they could study the tutorial and complete the test. Of the 61 tests taken, 25 pilots passed the test and 36 failed to achieve the 85% pass mark.

Pilots that failed the test had their test paper and infringement casefile reviewed again by the CAA and another course of training action was required. These included one-to-one ground school training, theoretical training with a Flight Instructor or Flight Examiner and a requirement to complete the Airspace Infringement Awareness Course.

Subjects with a low pass rate

These subjects resulted in a pass rate of less than 40% of the questions asked:

  • Aerodrome Traffic Zones and Rule 11 of The Rules of the Air Regulations 2015
  • Air Traffic Services
  • Altimetry
  • Charting and abbreviations (regulated AIS products)
  • Meteorology (regulated met products)
  • NOTAM interpretation
  • Transponder Mandatory Zones
  • Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and Special VFR

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Online tutorial