

Talking Radio Telephony

Talking Radio Telephony features David Woodward and Anthony Hatch, whose work with Local Airspace Infringement Teams, along with their pilot, FISO, ATCO, flight instructor and RT examiner experience, led them to want to start a conversation about Radio Telephony (RT).

Local Airspace Infringement Teams

How Local Airspace Infringement Teams work looks at the work of the Wessex LAIT to help reduce infringements.

Cards to download

01 Frequency Monitoring Codes and ATIS card (September 2024)
02 Lower Airspace Radar Service LARS Frequencies A5 card (September 2024)
03 Aerodrome Traffic Zones
04 Hawarden Radio Mandatory Zone (RMZ) (01-2025)
05 Stansted Transponder Mandatory Zone (October 2022)
06 Farnborough Controlled Airspace
07 Avoiding Airspace Infringements (CAP1840)
08 General Aviation Recovery Planning: Avoiding Airspace Infringements (post COVID-19)
09 Altimetry
10 TAKE2
11 Planning Radio Transmission (R/T kneeboard)
12 Threat & Error Management
13 Using Transponders
14 Restricted Area EGR323 North West Transit Corridor guide
15 Dutch Frequency Monitoring Code Poster


Keep reading

Flying in the North West

Includes EGR323 update

Flying over gliding sites

Planning to avoid launch sites

Denied airspace access?

Online reporting form

Radio Telephony planning

Online tutorial